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Aletheia 2017 Fundraising Update #3... Almost there!

| December 27, 2017 |


On the heels of a potent solstice time, the holidays and the light now beginning its return, we write to you with another update on our 2017 fundraising campaign at Aletheia Springs.

We are elated to share that another new $25k Community Member Investor is now joining us, which brings us up to a total of $294k raised, and only $106k left to go for our entire 2017 goal...

Fundraiser-o-Meter showing $294k raised out of $400k goal.

Wow, does it ever feel like we're down to the 9th inning now!!

​But far better yet is the news that this latest investor's $25k will allow us to finish the complete repayment of our original $200k bridge mortgage loan. This is huge for all of us here as it completes a 2-year journey with this amazing 'early-adopter' lender and friend who stepped forward in 2015 to help this Aletheia dream become a reality for all of us. Deep bows!!

While we don't expect to complete our goal of the full $400k before the end of the year, we feel that where we've reached thus far is already quite an amazing accomplishment. We are also blessed that we continue to receive new queries from interested folk, and we'll be continuing the conversation with them in January.

So look for more updates soon!

Until then, please continue to follow our campaign, as well as the breakdown of what these funds are funding here:

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